About us

Welcome to G and K’s. We hope you find everything you are looking for here in our little store. My wife and I met in 2014. I was still living in Arkansas, where I was born and raised. She was living and working in Atlanta. I moved to Atlanta to be with her, and we married in 2017. Through the years, we discussed the possibility of opening a business together. One thing, then another happened, and the business idea got pushed to the back burner. Now in 2023, we decided it was finally time. We put our heart and soul into running our business right. We may make mistakes along the way, but we both believe that is how we will learn. It is our hope to provide quality products for years to come, and we know we can’t do it without all of you. My wife and I are both blind, but we do not allow that to hold us back. We are both very active in our community, and we truly live the lives we want. I hope that one day our story will inspire someone else who has always wanted to start a business to take that step. Again, we welcome you to G and K’s. If there is any question we can answer for you, don’t hesitate to reach out through our contact form.